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OSU students

  • Why hasn't my GSSI tuition waiver appeared on my bursar account?

    The process to apply tuition waivers to the accounts of eligible students with GRA/GTA positions takes time as it is not automated. Know that the Graduate College staff is working on getting these applied before the Feb. 15 bursar deadline.

    Common causes to delays in the waiver being applied:

    • Change of enrollment: remember it is your responsibility to notify the Graduate College via email if your enrollment changes (drop/add etc.) after submitting your contract.
    • Incorrect campus ID number (CWID) submitted on your contract: verifying the eligibility of the correct person is critical
    • Employment and enrollment eligibility and delays: the tuition waiver will not be applied unless and until eligible employment and enrollment information is in the system (as for the employment part - you may check with your employing department if you believe this may be causing a delay)
    • Correct level of enrollment: undergraduate courses and outreach exception courses are not eligible for the GSSI tuition waiver and don't count toward your full-time status remember, outreach exception courses are ineligible for GSSI waivers, too.
  • Does the Graduate College assign advisors to graduate students?

    No, the Graduate College does not assign advisors to graduate students; that function is reserved for the graduate programs. Students with any questions about this should consult their graduate program coordinator. However, the matriculation team does provide advisory information for non-degree seeking students.