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Advisory Board & Committees

  • Environmental Science Graduate Program Advisory Board (ESGP at OSU-Stillwater)  

    The Environmental Science Graduate Program (ESGP) Board is comprised of leading agency, industry, and consulting professionals in the State of Oklahoma who are committed to the success of the Environmental Science Graduate Program (ESGP). Their knowledge and experience guide strategic planning, programmatic scope, and curriculum development.


    Current Members


    Mr. Jason Aamodt, Esq. Partner, Indian & Environmental Law

    Mr. Mike Fuhr, Executive Director, The Nature Conservancy

    Mr. Bud Ground, President, Environmental Federation of Oklahoma

    Mr. David Leavitt, Esq. Chief Technology Officer, Hecto Group™

    Ms. Shanon Phillips, Water Quality Division Director, Oklahoma Conservation Commission

    Ms. Nicol Ragland, Executive Director, Regenerate Oklahoma

  • PSM External Employer Advisory Board (PSM-EAB at OSU-Tulsa)

    The PSM external employer advisory board (PSM -EAB) is comprised of leading industry professionals that are responsible for advising and guiding the program to keep the curriculum current and relevant to industry standards and prevalent issues, in turn making graduating students more marketable. Furthermore, the Advisory Board serves to increase industry contacts to open internship, job and funding opportunities.


    Current Members


    PSM-EAB Member    Position Title   Company Name 
    Mike Thayer Director, PSM Program and Chair of PSM-EAB Oklahoma State University
    Derek Blackshare President Blackshare Environmental Solutions
    Bud Ground President EFO
    Jason Hathcoat HSE Manager   Zeeco, Inc.
    Steve Jordan Corporate Director of HSE Flintco
    Christy Keim Senior Manager People Systems / Safety / WC Bama Companies
    Ryan Kirk Environmental Programs Specialist Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
    Kerry Rowland Senior Energy Efficiency Principal AEP-PSO
    Sandy Shirley Executive Director, Risk and Safety Saint Francis Health System
    David Smith Senior Environmental Engineer American Airlines
    Clark Watson Corporate Manager of Environmental Compliance and Sustainability Webco
    Ned Young Vice President Apex Companies, LLC
  • Curriculum & Steering Committee: ESGP at OSU-Stillwater

    The Curriculum & Steering Committee is responsible for the overall guidance of the Environmental Science Graduate Program and manages the curriculum through review of program requirements and the creation, revision, and inactivation of ENVR courses.


    Current Members

    Dr. Karen Hickman
    Dr. Wyatt Hoback
    Dr. Mark Krzmarzick

    Dr. Thomas Lavanchy
    Dr. Jim Long

    Dr. Brad Rogers
    Dr. Stephen Stadler

    Dr. Scott Stoodley

    Dr. Andrew Dzialowski

    Dr. Charles Fontanier

    Dr. Lixia Lambert

    Dr. Andrea Jilling

    Dr. Jaime Schussler

  • Admissions & Retention Committee: ESGP at OSU-Stillwater

    The purpose of the Admission and Retention Committee is to revise student admission standards and application criteria as necessary, screen and approve admission applications, monitor student's progress in the program, and request a review of the student's file if warranted.


    Current Members

    Dr. Andrew Dzialowski

    Dr. Mark Krzmarzick 

    Dr. Lixia Lambert
    Dr. Brad Rogers

    Dr. Jaime Schusler

    Dr. Scott Stoodley

  • Curriculum & Steering Committee: PSM  at OSU-Tulsa

    The PSM Curriculum & Steering Committee is responsible for the overall guidance of the Environmental Management program at OSU-Tulsa. The committee can create, revise and/or terminate courses and modify the curriculum for the Tulsa campus.


    Current Members


    Michael L. Thayer, Ph.D., CHMM
    PSM Director & Chair of the Committee


    Damon Wright, M.S.
    Engineering and Environmental Manager
    QuikTrip Corporation


    Robert Scudder, Ph.D, CIH, CSP, CIT
    EHS Manager – Mid America Industrial Park

  • Admissions & Retention Committee:PSM at OSU-Tulsa

    The purpose of the PSM Admission and Retention Committee is to revise student admission standards and application criteria as necessary, screen and approve admission applications, monitor student's progress in the program, and request a review of the student's file if warranted.


    Current Members


    Michael L. Thayer, Ph.D., CHMM
    PSM Director & Chair of the Committee


    Robert Scudder, PhD, CIH, CSP, CIT
    EHS Manager– Mid America Industrial Park


    Damon Wright, M.S.
    Engineering and Environmental Manager
    QuikTrip Corporation