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Graduate College

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Public Health

What is Public Health?

The Public Health (MPH) program emphasizes the practical aspects of public health focusing on rural and underserved populations.
Why a Public Health Certificate?
OSU’s program is grounded in the One-Health initiative promoting research in fields impacting human health, animal health, and environmental health.  The program’s interdisciplinary education, research, service, and outreach includes the College of Veterinary Medicine and the Center for Health Sciences.


MPH Graduate Certificate

The OSU MPH program offers a unique opportunity to complete a graduate certificate in public health. The 15 credit hour graduate certificate in public health can be completed in one academic calendar year through a range of course offerings including in-person, hybrid, and online. The certificate emphasizes learning in the five core competencies of public health: biostatistics, epidemiology, environmental health, healthcare administration, and social and behavioral sciences.


Woman with mask


MPH Faculty

The MPH faculty is comprised of researchers and practitioners with a wide array of experience. This includes working within large public health agencies (e.g. county and state health departments, community-based organizations), administering grant-funded public health projects, and the like. This experience is brought into the classroom where our faculty expertise and scholarly work across a variety of areas.


For example, Dr. Hubach’s research at the Center for Health Sciences evaluates methods to advance the HIV care continuum within rural communities. Dr. Jared Taylor’s research interests at the College of Veterinary Medicine are in population medicine/herd health and the interaction of veterinary medicine and public health. Together, our faculty and student partner with local community-based organizations, government, and tribal communities to advance the health of Oklahomans and beyond.



Graduate Certificate Admissions

Certificate of Public Health in Rural & Underserved Communities 15 hours
Biostatistics 3 hours
MPH 5203: Evidence-Based Approaches to Public Health     -OR-
REMS 5953: Elementary Statistical Methods in Education
3 hours
Epidemiology 3 hours
HLTH 5323: Advanced Epidemiology
3 hours
Environmental Health 3 hours
HLTH 5133: Environmental Health
3 hours
Health Services Administration 3 hours
HCA 5013: Survey of Healthcare Administration
(Fall – Wednesday 7:20 pm Stillwater & Tulsa; Fall online)
3 hours
Ecological Perspectives 3 hours
MPH 5653: Foundations of Health Education & Promotion
(1st 8 weeks fall: Online)
3 hours