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Graduate College

Student being hooded

Oklahoma State University

Friday  May 9, 4:30pm Gallagher-Iba Arena
Congratulations on earning your advanced degree. We are proud of your accomplishments and look forward to celebrating with you and your friends and family. All degree candidates will be individually recognized by name and degree on stage during the ceremonies. Please see the guidance below covering the Graduate College commencement ceremonies.
Woman at commencement


Regalia Rentals

• Rentals for Oklahoma State doctoral regalia will begin on Monday, April 28 at 9 a.m. in the University Store and online. They will be available for rental until graduation ceremonies. Rentals are due back to the University Store by no later than 5 p.m. Wednesday, May 14.
RSVP for commencement here

Commencement Information


Regalia Information