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 Better Health. Better Wellness. BetterU.


Not just your physical or emotional health. Your overall well-being.
The BetterU Program is here to help you take a more holistic approach to personal wellness. It’s not just your physical and emotional health, but also the environmental, intellectual, occupational, social, and spiritual aspects of wellness that contribute to your success. Developing habits focused on holistic wellness now will help you today and beyond your time in graduate school.
It begins with self-assessment focused on the seven facets of wellness. Then, imagine if you will, your results depicted on a wheel as shown above. Are you strong in some areas and not so much in others? How well rounded is your wheel? Is your wheel small or large in size? Generally speaking, the bigger and more well-rounded the wheel, the better your overall wellness.

Getting Started with BetterU in 4 Easy Steps

Step 1.

Begin by taking the self-assessment. Don’t worry, it is anonymous and will just have a few questions on each of the 7 facets of wellness. Once you complete the questionnaire, reflect on your results and start to explore opportunities to improve in one or two areas of wellness over the next 3-4 months. 

Step 2.

After identifying the areas that you want to work on, we encourage you to develop an Action Plan. It doesn’t take long and can assist you in being more intentional in your efforts.

Step 3.

 Finding ways to improve some aspects of wellness may be a challenge.  We have provided some help. You can learn more about each of the facets of wellness by clicking on the tiles below.  You will also gain access to the lists of activities and resources both on and off campus that can help. Select a few key activities for the next few months.     

Step 4.

You can start to get credit for your efforts to improve Wellness in the 360⁰ Critical Skills for Career Success Program by reporting the completion of the assessment and developing an Action Plan to  For more details about how to use the BetterU program to work from Level 1 through Level 3 in Wellness go here.

Facets of WellnessBegin with the self-assessment.

Program StructureHow can you get the most out of BetterU?

BetterU is centered on a self-assessment that will help you reflect on where you are today and steps to improve.